Rebellion Is Justified!: “Racial” Nationalist Agenda of the U.S. Right: Demographic Panic

Friday, May 12

“Racial” Nationalist Agenda of the U.S. Right: Demographic Panic

Fox News presenter John Gibson gave a wild rant about the “dangers” of whites in the U.S. not reproducing enough to preserve white majority in the country. Such talk is a clear expression of the racist, national chauvinist ideology of the “Minutemen,” the “angry white men,” the “post-9/11 Americans” and other assorted fascists and proto-fascists whites in the U.S. Gibson’s rant is entitled “Do Your Duty, Make More Babies.” We soon enough find that he is talking only to whites and not other nationalities in the U.S.

Gibson says that the need to have more babies is “a lesson drawn out of two interesting stories over the last couple of days. First, a story yesterday that half of the kids in this country under five years old are minorities. By far, the greatest number are Hispanic. You know what that means? Twenty-five years and the majority of the population is Hispanic. Why is that? Well, Hispanics are having more kids than others. Notably, the ones Hispanics call ‘gabachos’ -- white people -- are having fewer.” Gibson makes clear that it isn’t “Hispanics” who need to have more babies, but rather just whites. It is clear when he intones that in 25 years “the majority of the population is Hispanic,” the anticipated response from the white audience is one of fear and dread. Also, it is of interest to note that he demonstrates that “Hispanic,” a term the rightists use, divides into two parts: the indigenous and mestizo people of color on the one hand, and the white, Spanish-descended people on the other. The latter point is important because the rightist “minority outreach” attempts are in fact largely aimed at white “Hispanics,” who do not share the national oppression of Chicanos in this country, for instance.

The real politics driving the anti-immigrant movement is a fear of the end of white majority in the population. Indeed, the emergence of a majority population of oppressed nations and nationalities would make clear the settler-colonial roots of this country, and further expose the true nature of the Euro-American imperialist ruling class. Certainly, that the indigenous and mestizo peoples have roots in the North American continent perfectly exposes the sham, ludicrous nature of U.S. whites campaigning against “immigration” into the country on whose land the blood of so many indigenous people was spilled--at the hands of white settlers.

Gibson sums up, “To put it bluntly, we need more babies,” and suggests the battle cry of “procreation not recreation.” Gibson, like white “racial nationalists” generally, believe that U.S. whites have “gone soft”; that is, they are too fearful of sacrifice and too dedicated to personal amusement to serve as useful foot soldiers for a resurgent, aggressive imperialism. That’s what the “post 9/11” mentality is all about: systematically imbuing the ideological foundations for a mass, fascist movement among whites. But progressives and revolutionaries are fighting this and going on the ideological and political offensive. “Bush Step Down and Take Your Whole Program With You,” indeed. And take John Gibson too.


At May 13, 2006, Blogger Carl Miller said...

Yes, what I find shocking is that if you listen to the rhetoric of groups like the National Alliance, National-Socialist Movement 88, Stormfront, etc. there rhetoric is all about how white Americans are an oppressed minority (LOL!). From what you said, it seems the republi-fascists are picking up on this kind of rhetoric as well. I wonder how long until they attack the Jews?

We live in scary times. You should add a link to on your blog.


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