Revolutionary Armed Struggle Continues in Peru - Articles from Peruvian Media
Below are some items from the reactionary Peruvian media, which I have translated as best I can. While in general these news outlets attempt to belittle the stature of the Communist Party of Peru and its armed forces, the tabloid-ish and hysterical tone of some of the articles betrays an insecurity on the part of the ruling classes. Note also in the final article that the defendents' legal motions in the trial of revolutionary prisoners of war is being decided a priori not by a judge but by the head of the "anti-terrorist" police.
Almost 14 years after the capture of Comrade Gonzalo - Abimael Guzman - and the other leading members of the Party in the political bureau and permanent historical committee, the Communist Party of Peru (PCP) continues to wage revolutionary armed struggle and carry the red flag of proletarian revolution. From the perspective of most outside observers, the political situation within the PCP is unclear in terms of the struggle against elements advocating a unilateral ceasefire (capitulation), it is highly encouraging that the Party’s forces continue to operate militarily and politically both in its historical base as well as in the cities.
From the Peruvian media:
“2006 Hunt” Counter-subversive Operation Launched
Huánuco, 06/07/2006 (CNR) - In the coming days, the National Police in Huánuco will launch the "2006 Hunt" operation, in order to contain the reemergence of elements of the Shining Path in this region.
This was relayed by PNP Colonel Gustavo Lúcar Espinoza, head of the local regional police, commenting that a strong contingent of soldiers will be mobilized shortly to the remotest provinces like Huacaybamba and Huamalíes, scenes of recent terrorist incursions.
Hardly two days ago, the forces of order discovered two packages with explosives in the locale of the ElectroCentro plant. It is presumed that the frustrated attack was directed by “Comrade Norma", whose column made an incursion in the center of San Miguel de Querosh (Llata) several weeks ago. Link
Presumed Terrorist is Arrested in Lambayeque
CPN RADIO 3 July - A presumed rebel of the North Regional Committee of the Shining Path was captured by agents of the Anti-Terrorist Division (DINCOTE), during an operation carried out in the Olmos district, department of Lambayeque.
Dionisio Huancas Mazape, known also as Comrade “Gil,” had been under warrant of the Special Penal Unit for Cases of Terrorism in Chiclayo.
Apparently, Huancas Mazape joined the Sendero force in their base in Los Faiques village. Also, he committed activities in zones like Piedras Negras, Garbanzal, Santa Rosa and Racalí. Link
Armed Forces Locate Zone Where Comrade “Artemio” Operates
CPN RADIO 02 Jul - The Armed Forces have an idea of where the dangerous terrorist ringleader "Artemio" operates in the zone of Alto Huallaga, minister of Defense, Rengifo Martian revealed during an inspection visit in the region San Martín.
"We have the idea of where he moves about... in the countryside or the populated places, but give it some time (dejemos tiempo al tiempo)", said Rengifo Ruiz.
In declarations to the press, he indicated that the work of searching for subversive remnants in the forest must be permanent and persistent on the part of the intelligence sector. Minister Rengifo spent three days traveling across the Alto Huallaga in order to supervise the work of the armed forces in the capture of the Shining Path remnants. Link
( 2006/7/5) The president of the National Anti-Terrorist Unit, Pablo Talavera affirmed that next August Abimael Guzman, the ringleader of the Shining Path will be sentenced along with other leaders in the "mega-trial" against them.
In these days, he stated, the court is listening to audios and watching videos related to this subversive group between the years 1980 and the 2000. "I predict that all this month we will listen to the audios and we will see videos.” Soon the debate will come about the evidence, the pleas of the defendants and the sentence,” the magistrate detailed in a dialogue with the Andean agency.
Talavera indicated that the order for annulling the evidentiary process presented weeks ago by the terrorist leadership in no way will interrupt the judgment… Link
You say: "it is highly encouraging that the Party’s forces continue to operate militarily and politically both in its historical base as well as in the cities."
But the articles from the bourgeois press you reference only refer to military activity. Is there evidence of *political* work among the masses by anyone still claiming to be 'Sendero'?
Anonymous - Many articles in the Peruvian media refer to the appearance of red flags with hammer and sickles in town squares. They also referred repeatedly to the appearance of leaflets calling for a boycott of the recent elections. I have seen articles referring to PCP fighters calling mass meetings in villagers to explain the positions of the revolutionaries, though the articles never get too explicit.
It is difficult to assess the situation. But it does appear that there are PCP supporters who are perservering in revolutionary war and communist politics. The "knotty" issue is the role of Abimael Guzman in all this. Is he the author of the position to "struggle for a peace accord?" There is no evidence contrary to this yet. I am not aware of any group claiming to be PCP that has rejected the current role of Guzman while upholding the practice of the Party prior to 9/92. This is problematic, and eventually will have be dealt with by the Peruvians themselves.
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